What my friends and Customers are saying about AvonĀ®

 "Avon's Glimmersticks are the only eyeliners I use, I Love them!" ~Jen from Shawnigan Lake, BC

"I Love Avon's Memory foam Slippers, I buy myself a new pair every year. ~~Shaun from Langford, BC

"I really like alot of Avon's Jewelry and Fragrances,"~~~Kelsey from Shawnigan Lake, BC

"Avon's Skin So Soft is my favorite product" ~~ Christine from Sooke, BC

" I'm so excited, the Avon Bubble Bath is in the brochure!!" ~~ Faye from Shawnigan Lake

"I remember my mom buying Avon when I was a kid, she used to buy me the Clearskin products, they work awesome"  ~~Paul from Shawnigan Lake, BC

" The Avon make-up remover is the best!" ~~ Rebecca from Sooke, BC

" I like that Avon clearskin wash that makes my face soft." ~~ Hannah from Shawnigan Lake, BC


Q. What if I don't like what I've bought, can I return it?

A. Absolutely you can return it, you just let your rep know and they will take care of it. All the return policies are  right in your receipt for your reference.

Q.How long does it take for my order come in?

A. Avon's delivery times are very good! Your rep will receive the delivery about a week after the cut off date. sometimes poor weather and mechanically issues can cause delays, but you'll see it in a reasonable amount of time.